AWS CLI VS Google Cloud SDK

September 01, 2022


When it comes to managing cloud resources, two platforms come to mind - Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Both of these offer robust SDKs that allow developers to manage resources with code. AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK are two of the most widely used command-line tools in the market. In this post, we'll compare AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK and see how they stack up.


AWS CLI is a unified command-line tool that allows developers to manage AWS services and resources. It is built on top of the AWS SDK for Python (Boto), and it enables developers to automate their AWS workflows.

AWS CLI provides a comprehensive set of functionalities, including the ability to create, manage, and delete AWS resources such as EC2 instances, load balancers, and databases. The tool is well-documented, and AWS provides robust support for it.

Google Cloud SDK

Google Cloud SDK is a command-line tool that allows developers to manage their Google Cloud Platform resources. It enables developers to create, deploy, and manage their applications and infrastructure on GCP.

Google Cloud SDK allows developers to manage resources such as App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, and Kubernetes Engine. The tool is well-documented, and Google provides extensive support for it.


Now let's compare AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK.

Ease of use

AWS CLI has a steeper learning curve than Google Cloud SDK. This is because AWS CLI is more extensive, and it has a broader range of functionalities. However, AWS CLI has better documentation and support than Google Cloud SDK, which makes learning it easier.

Google Cloud SDK is easier to use than AWS CLI, but it has a limited set of functionalities. This makes it easier to learn and use, but it can be restrictive for advanced users.

Speed and performance

Both AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK are similar in terms of speed and performance. However, AWS CLI is slightly faster than Google Cloud SDK in some cases. This is because AWS has more cloud regions and edge locations than Google Cloud, which allows it to provide better data transfer speeds.


The pricing for AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK is the same, as they are both open-source and free to use. However, there may be costs associated with the resources that are being managed using these tools.


Both AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK have their strengths and weaknesses. AWS CLI is more advanced and robust, but it has a steeper learning curve. Google Cloud SDK, on the other hand, is easier to use, but it has a limited set of functionalities.

Ultimately, the choice between AWS CLI and Google Cloud SDK comes down to personal preference and the specific requirements of the project. Both tools are excellent and will provide developers with the ability to manage their cloud resources with ease.


  1. AWS CLI
  2. Google Cloud SDK

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